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Social media platforms can be overwhelming. We wanted to make it a little more whelming by breaking down each of the features available on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube over seven weeks. We’ll talk format, length, location, and life span, so you can make the most out of what the social media platforms have to offer.

This week we’re talking about YouTube Videos.

What’s a YouTube Videos? YouTube videos are like posts, they show up on your YouTube page until you decide to hide them. YouTube videos should be shot in landscape mode, or 1920px wide by 1080px tall and uploaded in a .MP4 or .MOV format.

What should you use YouTube videos for? You can make YouTube videos to show off your services and products, have clients provide testimonials, and create video tutorials. You can do a weekly vlog, like we do, or give feedback on a new product.

When should you upload? You can upload videos as often as you want. Like we say with all posting, more is better and be consistent with your posting. We also want to emphasize that making videos may require a lot of time to come up with your ideas, shoot, and edit the video together. If you can’t post twice a week, do once, or maybe every other week.

In the final blog of our series, we’re going over YouTube Shorts! Don’t miss out!

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