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Did you know most people would rather send a message than make a phone call to a business? If you aren’t responding to your messages on social media, you could be losing customers! Responding to your customer base via social media direct messaging is an important tool you shouldn’t ignore.

Why you shouldn’t be neglecting your business’ DMs

Here are some reasons why:

People want to be heard too, not just talked at. Any type of relationship, including a business to consumer relationship, is about give and take. Customers want companies to hear them. Some companies only post about themselves and don’t respond to customer concerns, compliments, or complaints. When someone doesn’t feel like they are being listened to, they are more than likely going to stop engaging and potentially take their business elsewhere.

People who don’t get a response, stop engaging. Would you continue to talk to someone who ignores you? People who don’t get a response from you might think you don’t care, so they’ll stop engaging and maybe find another business that does respond.

People want to talk to people, not a robot. We’ve all been there, automated, or canned, messages can be incredible frustrating, maddening if you’re already frustrated. Having an automated message to respond outside business hours to let your customer know you’ll get back to them during business hours can give your customers some piece of mind, but having canned responses for every customer message can appear to be robotic and make your company appear less human.

Need help engaging with your customers on social media? Give us a call!

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